Thursday, June 10, 2010

Contact the Sacramento Board of Supervisors to STOP funding cuts to Sacramento Veterans Services!

Dear Friends and fellow Sacramento Veterans Community Support Network Members,

Tuesday, 6/15/2010 -- Absolutely ! -- Let's do it !!! Lets Stand Together...

I think the Board of Supervisors needs all the information possible on the reduction of services available from the Veteran's Service Office as soon as possible and again at the 6/15/2010 board meeting -- easy cut & paste e-mail address collections are included below. ...easier that perusing the web sites to copy individual addresses.

A sheet of "talking points" similar to those discussed in the April VCSN Meeting would help everyone whether writing letters or planning to attend in the meeting in person.

The New York Times article on the VCSN Blogspot should be read at the Board meeting in it's entirety to emphasize the current need -- we are facing exactly that with our veterans -- the whole country is and we have one of the highest concentrations of veterans nationally.

It's the pits that they are looking to hit veterans just after Memorial Day.

I know that veterans are directed to the VSO on discharge as a first stop to file their DD-214 and apply for benefits like agent orange and that they receive professional case management at the VSO as opposed to only volunteer assistance at very limited hours from a veterans organization if they go over to Mather VA -- what else ??

...I know they are reluctant to reveal anything to any type of federal government representative -- points on the severity of need of current returning vets would help too. ( like the NY Times Article -- great ! )

I had to chair the Older Adults Committee because the regular chair had a mild stroke -- the meeting times conflict almost exactly with VCSN -- however, I plan on coming to the VCSN Tuesday since the regular chair said he would be able to attend the OAC.this week.

Here's a full list of the e-mail addresses of the Board of Supervisors, each ready to cut and paste into a browser address bar:

Sacramento County Board of Supervisors:

"Roger Dickinson" <>,
"Jimmie Yee" <>,
"Susan Peters" <>,
"Don Nottoli" <>,
"Roberta MacGlashan" <>,

Sacramento City Council E-mail Addresses

"Kevin Johnson" <>,
"Ray Tretheway" <>,
"Sandy Sheedy" <>,
"Steve Cohn" <>,
"Rob Fong" <>,
"Lauren Hammond" <>,
"Bonnie Pannell" <>,
"Kevin McCarty" <>,

Here's a look at a comment from Loaves & Fishes on remembering homeless veterans: (they're consuming services locally)

To see on Google Docs as a .pdf file click here (solo view).

Or see the posting on Loaves & Fishes website.

And -- a survey I helped with at Tent City:

Early results of surveyed Tent City residents by SSF Front Door Committee -- out of 29 surveyed 14% were veterans 64% disabled 43% mentally ill..

Godspeed Everyone, ...WE CAN DO THIS !


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